Samsara by Shirani Rajapakse

There are journeys we make and paths we tread on in this cycle of birth and death, rebirth and death until that final moment when we reach nibbana. We meet and pass many beings on their own journeys. We gain much experience as we sojourn along the way sharing joy, sorrow, exhilaration and contemplation that„Samsara by Shirani Rajapakse“ weiterlesen

The Magical Bookshop Series by Liz Hedgecock

It all started out innocently enough when I came across Every Trick in the Book in my favorite Facebook group Meet the authors. Here’s the blurb that made me think, ‘This sounds like a fun read!’: When Jemma James takes a job at Burns Books, the second-worst secondhand bookshop in London, she finds her ambition„The Magical Bookshop Series by Liz Hedgecock“ weiterlesen

The Healer’s Legacy – Review

Hope in the face of tragedy, courage in the face of adversity, faithfulness spanning centuries, magic and dragonflies – those are the ingredients of the Healer’s saga by word magician Helen Pryke. She is not afraid of making her characters suffer, so have a box of tissues to hand if you venture into the Tuscan„The Healer’s Legacy – Review“ weiterlesen

The Cottage on Winter Moss – Review

A story about a writer seeking inspiration, set in a remote village on the coast, instantly appealed to me. Knowing it was written by Allie Cresswell, an author I greatly admire, I was certain it would be good. I was not disappointed. In fact, the story was so absorbing, I had trouble letting go of„The Cottage on Winter Moss – Review“ weiterlesen

The Hoarder’s Widow by Allie Cresswell – Review

Ever since Tall Chimneys, my very first encounter with author Allie Cresswell, I have been impressed with the psychological depth of her characters as well as the absolute beauty of her writing. The sheer poetry of her language isn’t as pronounced in this book as it was in the others I’ve read, yet the story„The Hoarder’s Widow by Allie Cresswell – Review“ weiterlesen

Christmas with Granny McPherson – Book Review

She’s done it again. And this time she’s even done it despite the fact that this book was written in first person present tense, which I usually hate. Nellie K. Neves made me read this story through within 24 hours. She had me riveted, laughing and thoroughly enjoying myself. So what is it all about?„Christmas with Granny McPherson – Book Review“ weiterlesen

Go tell the bees that I’m gone – An Outlander Review

Last year, I started re-reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon in preparation for the release of book 9, Go tell the bees that I’m gone. The first book in the series is one of my most-read books ever, bringing to life my memories of various visits to Scotland. I have read this story approximately„Go tell the bees that I’m gone – An Outlander Review“ weiterlesen

Girl from the Tree House by Gudrun Frerichs

This book came to my attention when the author enquired about a translation into German. I was totally baffled by the whole concept. Not the translation, that’s easy enough to grasp, but by the concept of writing a book about a person with multiple personalities from the point of view of these varied personalities. I„Girl from the Tree House by Gudrun Frerichs“ weiterlesen

Pre-approved Identity Theft by Nellie K. Neves

This book is a fun read with a truly wild idea – switch lives with someone you don’t know at all, just because you look alike! On her wedding day, Harper Sutton climbs out of the bathroom window and escapes from marrying a man she never cared about. She ends up on the West coast„Pre-approved Identity Theft by Nellie K. Neves“ weiterlesen

Rotto! Kylie & die Quokkas von Rottnest Island von Jonathan Macpherson

English belowWisst ihr, was ein Quokka ist? Bis vor kurzem wusste ich das noch nicht, aber oben auf dem Bild seht ihr einen. Muss ich mehr sagen? Na gut, es ist ein Kurzschwanzkänguru. Links daneben ist Jonathan Macpherson, Autor des Kinderbuches Rotto! Kylie und die Quokkas von Rottnest Island. Ich hatte das überaus große Vergnügen,„Rotto! Kylie & die Quokkas von Rottnest Island von Jonathan Macpherson“ weiterlesen